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Necrophilia Laws and Abusing the Corpse at the Morbid Anatomy Museum

Abusing the Corpse Even More: Understanding Necrophilia Laws in the USA — Now with more Necro! And more Philia!
An Illustrated Lecture by Dr. John Troyer
Thursday, April 09, 2015
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm $8
Morbid Anatomy Museum
424A 3rd Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Wisconsin (and Ohio…) are two states that just keep giving and giving when it comes to American necrophilia cases.

On April 09, Death Ref John is returning to the Morbid Anatomy Museum to give an updated talk on the current state of US necrophilia jurisprudence.

Abusing the Corpse Even More: Understanding Necrophilia Laws in the USA — Now with more Necro! And more Philia!
An Illustrated Lecture by Dr. John Troyer

It will be very exciting! We promise!

You can also click here to see April’s calendar on the Morbid Anatomy Museum website.

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